2011-4-14 11:36:48

HAIYAA VariPrint can run in the Windows 7 OS, no matter it is X64 or X32, Chinese or English OS. Since Windows 7 has high level security, so we must do some special settings as follows:

1) When installation, some Windows7 OS can't install dongle driver and HAIYAA. PPD properly, In that case, you should install manually. The dongle driver and HAIYAA.PPD can be download from Software Download webpage, HAIYAA.PPD can be found in the installation CD.

How to install HAIYAA.PPD, please refer to:


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2) Normal Windows7 will build in Microsoft .net Framework 4 Profile and Microsoft .net Framework 4 Extended. Actually we only need Microsoft .net Framework 4 Profile. If your OS hasn't installed Microsoft .net Framework, you must install it additionally, otherwise VariPrint can't work properly.

How to check if your OS has Microsoft .net Framework or not, please go to Control Panel's Uninstall a program to see if it is listed there.

Note: VariPrint support .NET framework 2.0, 3.5, 4.0.

3) After installation. You should setup the properties of rhe installation folder-VariPrint. Allow the folder to have Write/Read permission.

For example,
1)go to the installation folder, click Bin folder, go to Properties by clicking right mouse button.
2)Select Security--Edit--Add, add "everyone", confirm--select "everyone"--select full control--confirm to exit.
3)Remove the tick of "Only Read" of this folder.

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4) When running VariPrint at first time: you MUST run it as administrator. Click VariPrint.exe or its shortcut, select mouse right key, select "Run as administrator". Under administrator, some software registration can be done properly.

This is very important action, please pay enough attention.

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